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Following Shepard




Following Shepard


Eirinn is chasing Seth across the country. He knows where Seth is going. He has no idea why.


Following Shepard is a novel about gay rights set in 1999. It tracks the story of a small group of gay college students in rural Ohio as they navigate all the difficulties that entails. It's extrapolated and dramatized from the author's real life college experience -- a "what if" that examines the reality that could have happened, if just a few things were different. It involves drama and betrayal, oppression and fury, and the many flavors and kindness and cruelty that existed in that odd pocket of time when Sean Hayes won an Emmy for Will and Grace, but coming out nearly killed Ellen's career.

You won't regret reading it, nor easily forget the ending, but you will enjoy the ride.

Following Shepard
By Bob Grannan
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Book Launch

In June, the book had an official launch party -- complete with author interview and book reading. Check out the video of both below.


The Interview

Get a special insight into the book -- straight from the author.

The author sat down with an old college friend (and inspiration for one of the characters) to talk about where the book came from, why it was written and some of the major themes.

The Book Reading

Get a sneak preview of Chapter 1, read at the launch party -- and available through the audiobook.




From the Book


This is an important novel for all readers, one that will leave them thinking long after the final page.
— Kori Frazier
It’s a surprising, suspenseful novel with well-drawn characters and a plot that holds the reader in a vice grip. If you’re a fan of finely crafted storylines and intense emotional twists, then you should enjoy Finding Shepard.
— Jennifer Dillard

The Characters